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"Our Library Is Open 24 Hours A Day!"
            Take Your Students On A Journey Of Discovery!

Journey's Rare Book Room!In 2001, Journey Back in Time, keeping with technology trends, moved from their CD collection to our present online collections. The name Journey Back in Time remains, although the parent company is Journey Online.

Adding "Journey's Rare Book Room" has proved to be a great move. It has given us the ability to add data to our collection instantly, and provide it to the thousands of Individuals, teachers and students at their desk top.

The goal at Journey Online remains the same:
“Provide original primary source material in a user friendly manner."

As always our collection is expanding. Each day newspapers, rare books, articles and documents are added to our archives, and made available to our subscribers.

Because we digitize and provide the user with the original image there is little question of its authenticity. Much of the material found in our vast collection comes from our own archives, and dates back from the early 1600’s.

The year 2008 brings a new addition to Journey Online’s collection. “Journey’s Rare Book Room”. This is an incredible collection of the worlds most famous Authors and Titles, covering Biographies, Autobiographies, Children’s Literature & Classics, World History, American History, Fiction and Non-Fiction, Poetry, Drama and more. Journey’s Rare Book Room puts the library at your fingertips.

School access to "Journey's Rare Books" can be through the website login, or through use of MARC records.

MARC records can be downloaded and installed on your computer or school network server, then accessed through your MARC record client software. There is a separate MARC record for each Genre. New books are added to the MARC records at the first of each month, so you should return and download a fresh copy of each Genre once a month.

You can download MARC records at any time. However, your MARC client will be able to access the PDF files only if your school's static IP address is registered on this website.

We Hope You Will Join Us In Our Quest For Knowledge!

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"Journey's Rare Book Room" is Free of charge to all schools with the purchase of Journey Back In Time.
     - Contact Us For Details






'Here's A Look At Some Of Our Incredible Collection Of Rare Books'

Ancient History

Ancient Kingdoms - Issac Newton
Caesars Commentaries - Charles Anthon
Caesars Gallic War - Francis W Kelsey
Cicero Essays Vol. I - Cicero
Cicero Essays Vol II - Cicero
Iliad of Homer Vol I - Homer
Iliad of Homer Vol II - Homer
Iliad of Homer Vol III - Homer
Iliad of Homer Vol IV - Homer
Josephus Works Vol. I - Flavius Josephus
Josephus Works Vol II - Flavius Josephus
Museum of Antiquity - L W Yaggy
Odyssey Vol I - Homer
Odyssey Vol II - Homer
Odyssey Vol III - Homer
Tullys Offices - Cicero

Children's Books
A Childs Garden of Verses - Robert Lewis Stevenson
Aesops Fables - J H Stickney
Alices Adventure In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Cinderella - Cinderella Unknown Author
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz - L. Frank Baum
Journeys Through Bookland Vol. I - Charles H Sylvester
Journeys Through Bookland Vol. III - Charles H Sylvester
Little Bear And His Friends - Frances Margaret Fox
Little Miss Weezys Brother - Penn Shirley
McGuffeys First Eclectic Reader - W H McGuffey
McGuffeys Second Eclectic Reader - W H McGuffey
McGuffeys Third Eclectric Reader - W H McGuffey
McGuffeys Fourth Eclectic Reader - W H McGuffey
McGuffeys Fifth Eclectic Reader - W H McGuffey
McGuffeys Sixth Eclectic Reader - W H McGuffey
Mother Goose - Sir John Gilbert
Mother West Wind When Stories - Thornton W Burgess
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch - Alice Caldwell Hegan
Nannie and Billie Wagtail - Howard R. Garis
Ned the Cowboy - Clara Andrews Williams
Pinocchio - C Collodi
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - Kate Douglas Wiggin
Sara Crewe - Frances Hodgson Burnett
Seven Little Sisters - Jane Andrews
The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island - Laura Lee Hope
Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll
Tik Tok of Oz - L. Frank Baum
Uncle Wiggilys Automobile - Howard R Garis

Alaska and the Klondike Goldfields - A. C. Harris
Bradfords History of Plimoth Plantation - William Bradford
Buffalo, Creek, Seneca Treaty - Indian Treaties
Cherokee Treaty - Indian Treaties
Choctaw Treaty - Indian Treaties
Civil War 1861 - Frank Leslies Illustrated
Civil War 1862 - Harpers Weekly Civil War
Civil War 1863 - Harpers Weekly Civil War
Civil War 1864 - Frank Leslies Illustrated
Civil War 1864 - Harpers Weekly Civil War
Civil War 1865 - Harpers Weekly Civil War
Commissioner Of Indian Affairs 1840
      - Commissioner Of Indian Affairs
Commissioner Of Indian Affairs 1878
      - Commissioner Of Indian Affairs
Conquest of Mexico Vol. I - William H Prescott
Conquest of Mexico Vol. II - William H Prescott
Creek Treaty - Indian Treaties
Delaware Treaty - Indian Treaties
History Of The United States Mint - United States Mint
History of Slavery and the Slave Trade - William O Blake
Illustrations Of Civil War Soldiers - Paul Mottelay
Journey to Fort Kearny - O Cross
Kaskaskia Treaty - Indian Treaties
Our Wild Indians - Richard Irving Dodge
Piankashaw Treaty - Indian Treaties
Pictorial History of the War with Spain - Harpers Weekly
Pre Historic America - Marquis De Nadaillac
Revolution of America - The Abbe Raynal
Salem Witchcraft Vol. I - Charles W Upham
Salem Witchcraft Vol. II - Charles W Upham
Seneca Treaty - Indian Treaties
Tenting on the Plains - Elizabeth Custer
The Complete Works of Thomas Paine - Thomas Paine
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
       - Edward Gibbon
The Old North Trail - Walter McClintock
The Old Santa Fe Trail - Colonel Henry Inman
The Regin of Fredinand And Isabella - William H Prescott
Trail Of Tears (Cherokee Relocation
      - U S Army Continental Command
Travels In The Upper Yellowsone 1874
      - Windam T. Windham Quin
West of the Rocky Mountains - R Guy McClellan
World War I - Stars and Stripes
World War II 1942 - Stars and Stripe
World War II 1943 - Stars and Stripes
World War II 1944 - Stars and Stripes
World War II 1945 - Stars and Stripes
Wyandot Treaty - Indian Treaties


Annabel Lee - Edgar Allan Poe
Brownings Works Vol. I - Robert Browning
Brownings Works Vol. II - Robert Browning
Hudibras Volume I - Samuel Butler
Hudibras Volume II - Samuel Butler
Hudibras Volume III - Samuel Butler
Poetical Works - Alfred Tennyson
Poetical WorksVol. II Marmion - Sir Walter Scott Baronet
Poetical Works Vol. I Lay of the Last Minstrel - Sir Walter Scott Baronet
The Bells - Edgar Allan Poe
The Iliad of Homer Vol. I - Alexander Pope
The Iliad of Homer Vol. II - Alexander Pope
The Iliad of Homer Vol. III - Alexander Pope
The Iliad of Homer Vol. IV - Alexander Pope
The Odyssey of Homer Vol. I - Alexander Pope
The Odyssey of Homer Vol. II - Alexander Pope
The Odyssey of Homer Vol. III - Alexander Pope
The Philosophy of Composition - Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe
The Works of Alexander Pope Vol. III - Alexander Pope
Vol. I - John Greenleaf Whittier
Volume I - Chaucer
Volume I - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Volume I - William Wordsworth
Volume II - Chaucer
Volume II - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Volume II - William Wordsworth
Volume III - Chaucer
Volume III - William Wordsworth
Volume IV - Chaucer
Volume IV - William Wordsworth
Volume V - Chaucer
Volume V - William Wordsworth
Volume VI - Chaucer



Life and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James
     - Hon J. A. Dacus
Life and Voyages of Columbus - Washington Irving
Life and Works of Garfield - Ridpath
Life of Abraham Lincoln - Joseph H Barrett
Life of Davy Crockett - David Crockett
Life of George Washington - Washington Irving
Life of Kit Carson - Charles Burdett
Memoirs of Robert E Lee - A l Long
Plutarchs Lives Vol. I - Plutarch
Plutarchs Lives Vol. II - Plutarch
Plutarchs Lives Vol. III - Plutarch
Sketches of The Life and Character of Patrick Henry - William Writ
The Life of - William H Seward
The Life of General Lafayette - William Cutter
The Life of Sam Houston - Sam Houston
The Life of Thomas Jefferson - William Linn


Vol. I A Midsummer Nights Dream - Shakespeare
Vol. I Loves Labours Lost - Shakespeare
Vol. I The Merry Wives of Windsor - Shakespeare
Vol. I The Tempest - Shakespeare
Vol. II As You Like It - Shakespeare
Vol. II Measure for Measure - Shakespeare
Vol. II Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare
Vol. II The Comedy - Shakespeare
Vol. III Alls Well That Ends Well - Shakespeare
Vol. III The Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare
Vol. III The Two Gentlemen of Verona - Shakespeare
Vol. IV Hamlet Prince of Denmark - Shakespeare
Vol. IV The Taming of the Shrew - Shakespeare
Vol. IV The Winters Tale - Shakespeare
Vol. XIII The Works of Shakespeare Index - Shakespeare


A Strange Story - Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
A Trip to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne
Adventures of Captain Hatteras - Jules Verne
BEN HUR A Tale of the Christ - Lew Wallace
Bleak House - Charles Dickens
Christmas Stories and Reprinted Pieces - Charles Dickens
Dolliver Romance - Hawthorne
Don Juan - Lord Byron
Duchess of Pudua Ideal Husband - Oscar Wilde Vol. I
Everything in its Right Place - Hans Christian Anderson
Gullivers Traveles - Jonathan Swift
His Agenis or The Loves of Polyarchus - John Barclay
House of Pomegranates - Oscar Wilde Vol. III
Jane Eyre - C Bronte
Kidnapped - Robert L. Stevenson
Last of The Mohicans - J. Fenimore Cooper
Les Miserables Vol. I - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables Vol. II - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables Vol. III - Victor Hugo
Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens
Lost At Sea - Horatio Alger Jr.
Mr. Romfords Hounds - Robert Smith Surtees
Night and Morning - Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Old Glory - Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Our Old Home and English Note - Hawthorne
Passages from the French and Italian Note - Hawthorne
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens - J M Barrie
Robin Hood and His Merry Men - Sterling
Selected Stories From Kipling - Rudyard Kipling
The Arabian Nights Vol. IV - Sir R F Burton
The Battle of Life - Charles Dickens
The Count of Monte Cristo Vol.I - Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo Vol. II - Alexandre Dumas
The Courtship of Miles Standish - Longfellow
The Cricket on the Hearth - Charles Dickens
The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote
      - Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra - Vol.'s I - IV
The Marble Fawn - Hawthorne
The Mysterious Island - Jules Verne
The History of David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
The Swiss Family Robinson - William Kingston
The Tour of the World - Jules Verne
The Works of Jonathan Swift Vol. II - Jonathan Swift
Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Tom Swift in the City of Gold - Victor Appleton
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Twice Told Tales - Hawthorne
Uncle Toms Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Vol. I Scenes of Clerical Life - George Eliot
Westward Ho Vol. I - Charles Kingsley
Westward Ho Vol. II - Charles Kingsley
Wonder Book - Hawthorne
Yankee Slave Trader - Wm. White Smith

Journals & Diaries

A Journey Through Texas 1861 - Frederick Law Olmsted
Adventures On The Frontiers Of Texas And Mexico - Charles Winterfield
Camping Out In The Yellowstone 1882 - Mary Bradshaw Richards
James Clyman Diary (Oregon Trail) - James Clyman
Journal Of A Trapper - Osborne Russell
Journey of the Corps of Discovery 1804 - Lewis & Clark
Journey of the Corps of Discovery 1805 - Lewis & Clark
Journey of the Corps of Discovery 1806 - Lewis & Clark
Journey to Fort Kearney (Oregon Trail) 1850 - Lieut. Vogdes
Voyage To California 1849 - Benjamin Dore
Washburn Expedition Journal - Nathaniel Pitt Langford


A Course Of Mathematics - Charles Hutton
A Fools Errand The Invisible Empire - Albion W Tourqee
The Sinking of the Titanic - Logan Marshall






























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